
Goal B Consider future climate impacts in governmental planning and investment decisions


Bolster Public Health and Safety to Protect Against Increasing Climate Risks

All Priority Goals

Progress Indicators

  • Scoping: Scoping and organizing action; collecting input and conducting community engagement.
  • Securing Funding: Securing funding; beginning project work.
  • Underway: Work underway; documentation and reporting in progress.
  • Nearing Completion: Work nearing completion.
  • Complete: Work complete; shifting to ongoing maintenance, monitoring, evaluation and assessment.
  • Ongoing Improvements: Ongoing advancements; continual improvements.


  • Action 1 Provide specific and actionable guidance and technical assistance to local communities on sustainable, resilient, and equitable planning for land use and community development, transportation, and resource preservation that advances the state's climate goals.

    Success Metric: Technical assistance and guidance documents are grounded in user-defined needs.

    Timeframe: Ongoing

    Agency: Governor’s Office of Planning and Research

    For More Details: Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Program

    Progress Indicator: Ongoing Improvements

    Success Metric: Number of updated general plan safety elements and/or other locally-adopted plans, that address current climate adaptation and resilience requirements pursuant to SB 379 and SB 1035.

    Timeframe: Ongoing

    Agency: Governor’s Office of Planning and Research

    For More Details: Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Program

    Progress Indicator: Ongoing Improvements

  • Action 2 Incorporate climate considerations into state, tribal, and local emergency planning efforts.

    Success Metric: Create or request a Federal Emergency Management Agency certified training course on climate change for emergency management personnel and create criteria for tracking utilization and effectiveness of this training.

    Timeframe: 2022 and ongoing

    Agency: Governor’s Office of Emergency Services

    For More Details: Emergency Management Training Program

    Progress Indicator: Scoping

    Success Metric: Update the State Hazard Mitigation Plan’s (SHMP) every 5 years to meet the state’s goal of risk reduction, continuing to build upon climate adaptation strategies and best practices in the SHMP 2023 update.

    Timeframe: 2023 and ongoing

    Agency: Governor’s Office of Emergency Services

    For More Details: State Hazard Mitigation Plan

    Progress Indicator: Underway

    Success Metric: Require climate adaptation strategies to be integrated into mitigation actions in Local Hazard Mitigation Plans.

    Timeframe: 2017 and ongoing

    Agency: Governor’s Office of Emergency Services

    For More Details: Local Hazard Mitigation Program

    Progress Indicator: Underway

    Success Metric: Number of Dam Emergency Action Plans submitted, reviewed, and approved.

    Timeframe: 2021 and ongoing

    Agency: Governor’s Office of Emergency Services

    For More Details: Dam Emergency Action Planning

    Progress Indicator: Underway

    Success Metric: Present and engage with the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services Access and Functional Needs Stakeholder advisory committee on the Adaptation Planning Guide and its usability, accessibility, and functionality.

    Timeframe: 2022 and ongoing

    Agency: Governor’s Office of Emergency Services

    For More Details: 2020 California Adaptation Planning Guide

    Progress Indicator: Underway

  • Action 3 Strengthen alignment of coastal resilience planning activities.

    Success Metric: Work with federal, state, and local governments, and other partners, to align relevant planning documents (e.g., Local Coastal Programs, General Plans, Local Hazard Mitigation Plans) to minimize adaptation project implementation challenges and better capitalize on funding opportunities for hazard mitigation, preparation, and disaster response.

    Timeframe: Ongoing

    Agency: Natural Resources Agency – Coastal Commission, San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission | Governor’s Office of Planning and Research | Governor’s Office of Emergency Services

    For More Details: Coastal Commission Coastal Management Program 309 Assessment and Strategy; 2021-2025 Coastal Commission Strategic Plan, Coastal Commission Sea-Level Rise Policy Guidance; Coastal Plan Alignment Compass; Office of Planning and Research General Plan Guidelines; San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission Bay Adapt; Sea-Level Rise Working Group Joint Statement on Sea-Level Rise Adaptation Planning

    Progress Indicator: Underway

    Success Metric: Convene and participate in discussions with federal, state, local, and tribal governments to identify opportunities to support statewide initiatives to improve coastal resilience planning efforts.

    Timeframe: 2021–2025

    Agency: Natural Resources Agency – State Lands Commission

    For More Details: State Lands Commission Strategic Plan

    Progress Indicator: Ongoing Improvements

  • Action 4 Develop coastal adaptation plans for coastal adaptation elements into planning documents for all coastal jurisdictions.

    Success Metric: Coastal adaptation plans written and adopted for all coastal counties.

    Timeframe: 2023

    Agency: Natural Resources Agency – Ocean Protection Council, Coastal Commission

    For More Details: Ocean Protection Council Strategic Plan

    Progress Indicator: Ongoing Improvements

  • Action 5 Promote special considerations for critical infrastructure and facilities during planning processes to proactively ensure safety of coastal resources against coastal hazards, including sea-level rise.

    Success Metric: Update Local Coastal Program guidance to promote planning ahead to preserve function of critical facilities under high sea-level rise scenarios.

    Timeframe: 2022

    Agency: Natural Resources Agency – Coastal Commission

    For More Details: Coastal Commission Coastal Management Program 309 Assessment and Strategy; 2021-2025 Coastal Commission Strategic Plan; Coastal Commission Sea-Level Rise Policy Guidance; Coastal Commission Critical Infrastructure at Risk: Sea-Level Rise Planning Guidance for California’s Coastal Zone; Sea-Level Rise Working Group Joint Statement on Sea-Level Rise Adaptation Planning

    Progress Indicator: Ongoing Improvements

  • Action 6 Prioritize investments that reduce climate risk to California’s transportation system based on exposure and sensitivity analyses of climate change and natural disasters.

    Success Metric: Develop and maintain a transportation resilience improvement plan to identify and respond to future disruptions.

    Timeframe: 2023–2024

    Agency: State Transportation Agency – Caltrans

    For More Details: California Transportation Plan 2050

    Progress Indicator: Scoping

    Success Metric: Develop statewide repository of location-specific adaptive strategies that can be incorporated into infrastructure maintenance and rehabilitation projects.

    Timeframe: 2023–2024

    Agency: State Transportation Agency – Caltrans

    For More Details: California Transportation Plan 2050

    Progress Indicator: Underway

    Success Metric: Increase use of simulation systems and predictive technologies to understand how future disruptions may impact infrastructure and travel patterns.

    Timeframe: 2024–2025

    Agency: State Transportation Agency – Caltrans

    For More Details: California Transportation Plan 2050

    Success metric included in error

    Success Metric: Update Caltrans District Vulnerability Assessments with latest science, including broadening to include natural hazards impacted by climate change (e.g., landslides) and to include the state’s multimodal transportation system, and continue to integrate information into planning and project delivery processes.

    Timeframe: 2022–2024

    Agency: State Transportation Agency – Caltrans

    For More Details: California Transportation Plan 2050

    Progress Indicator: Securing Funding

  • Action 7 Integrate climate adaptation and resilience principles into the design, construction, and operation of the High-Speed Rail system.

    Success Metric: Number of climate hazard assessments conducted through the High-Speed Rail Safety and Security Management Plan, and number of mitigative actions taken that stem from those assessments.

    Timeframe: 2021–2024

    Agency: State Transportation Agency – High-Speed Rail Authority

    For More Details: High-Speed Rail 2021 Climate Adaptation Plan

    Progress Indicator: Underway

    Success Metric: Number of Climate Adaptation Implementation Committee meetings held to review analysis results, consequences, adaptation decisions, etc.

    Timeframe: Annual

    Agency: State Transportation Agency – High-Speed Rail Authority

    For More Details: High-Speed Rail 2021 Climate Adaptation Plan

    Progress Indicator: Underway

    Success Metric: Number of mitigative actions taken that stem from climate hazard assessments conducted through the High-Speed Rail Safety and Security Management Plan.

    Timeframe: Annual

    Agency: State Transportation Agency – High-Speed Rail Authority

    For More Details: High-Speed Rail 2021 Climate Adaptation Plan

    Progress Indicator: Underway

    Success Metric: Revisions to the High-Speed Rail Safety and Security Management Plan to improve how climate hazards are evaluated.

    Timeframe: Annual

    Agency: State Transportation Agency – High-Speed Rail Authority

    For More Details: High-Speed Rail 2021 Climate Adaptation Plan

    Progress Indicator: Underway

    Success Metric: Success of adaptation through resilience and adaptation criteria added to the Design Criteria Manual and procurement documents.

    Timeframe: 2021–2024

    Agency: State Transportation Agency – High-Speed Rail Authority

    For More Details: High-Speed Rail 2021 Climate Adaptation Plan

    Progress Indicator: Underway

    Success Metric: Implementation and success of site-specific adaptation strategies.

    Timeframe: 2021–2024

    Agency: State Transportation Agency – High-Speed Rail Authority

    For More Details: High-Speed Rail 2021 Climate Adaptation Plan

    Progress Indicator: Underway

  • Action 8 Ensure proposed Clean and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund projects account for impacts related to climate change. 

    Success Metric: Number of Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund funded projects with mitigation and adaptation measures implemented as fully as practicable.

    Timeframe: Ongoing

    Agency: Environmental Protection Agency – State Water Resources Control Board

    For More Details: State Water Resources Control Board Resolution No. 2017-0012; Clean Water State Revolving Fund; Drinking Water State Revolving Fund

    Progress Indicator: Complete

  • Action 9 Identify opportunities to implement climate smart land management on state lands that build climate resilience while also delivering other benefits, such as increasing carbon sinks, reducing overall greenhouse gas emissions, and enhancing biodiversity.

    Success Metric: Increase acreage of state lands utilizing relevant strategies called for in the Natural and Working Lands Climate Smart Strategy.

    Timeframe: 2021–2025

    Agency: Natural Resources Agency organizations that own and/or manage land

    For More Details: Department of Parks and Recreation; CalFire Demonstration Forests; State Lands Commission Strategic Plan; Coastal Commission Coastal Management Program 309 Assessment and Strategy; 2021-2025 Coastal Commission Strategic Plan; Coastal Commission Sea-Level Rise Policy Guidance; Sea-Level Rise Working Group Joint Statement on Sea-Level Rise Adaptation Planning; Tahoe Conservancy’s Climate Adaptation Portfolio

    Progress Indicator: Underway

    Success Metric: Increase acreage of state lands implementing appropriate healthy soil management practices that build climate resilience.

    Timeframe: Ongoing

    Agency: Department of Food and Agriculture and partner agencies

    For More Details: Healthy Soils Initiative

    Progress Indicator: Underway

    Success Metric: Increase the development and implementation of co-management agreements with California Native American tribes on state lands that support climate resilience and implementation of tribal expertise and traditional knowledges.

    Timeframe: Ongoing

    Agency: All relevant agencies

    For More Details: Governor Newsom’s Statement of Administrative Policy on Native American Ancestral Lands

    Progress Indicator: Underway

  • Action 10 Increase community-scale climate resiliency through innovative, research-supported emergency planning grants and projects– such as those that offer multiple co-benefits; are scalable at the regional level; and bring multiple funding sources or in-kind resources from private and public sector stakeholders.

    Success Metric: Number of grants and amount awarded for projects that further community resilience from climate impacts.

    Timeframe: 2021 and ongoing

    Agency: Governor’s Office of Emergency Services

    For More Details: 404 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program; Flood Mitigation Assistance; Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities

    Progress Indicator: Underway

  • Action 11 Ensure proposed Salton Sea Management Program projects account for climate change impacts.

    Success Metric: Number of Salton Sea Management Program funded projects with mitigation and adaptation measures implemented as fully as practicable.

    Timeframe: 2022 and ongoing

    Agency: Natural Resources Agency

    For More Details: Salton Sea Project

    Progress Indicator: Underway

  • Action 12 Plan a pilot program for community health promoters / promotores de salud in the San Joaquin Valley to refer residents (primarily farmworkers) with climate-related health conditions to receive prioritized home weatherization and energy efficiency services that can improve housing and health.

    Success Metric: Pilot program planned by health promoter organization and weatherization provider, health promoter training curriculum and resident health assessment / referral system developed.

    Timeframe: 2022–2023

    Agency: Health and Human Services Agency – Department of Public Health

    For More Details: Climate Change and Health Equity Section

    Progress Indicator: Underway