
Goal B Deepen understanding of climate change effects on California’s economy


Build a Climate Resilient Economy

All Priority Goals

Progress Indicators

  • Scoping: Scoping and organizing action; collecting input and conducting community engagement.
  • Securing Funding: Securing funding; beginning project work.
  • Underway: Work underway; documentation and reporting in progress.
  • Nearing Completion: Work nearing completion.
  • Complete: Work complete; shifting to ongoing maintenance, monitoring, evaluation and assessment.
  • Ongoing Improvements: Ongoing advancements; continual improvements.


  • Action 1 Raise awareness of climate risks in the business community and assist businesses to operate with minimal interruption during and after extreme climate events or emergencies.

    Success Metric: Number of industry outreach/communications materials developed and number of industry engagements to inform the business community about the issues associated with climate risk and resiliency.

    Timeframe: 2022 and ongoing

    Agency: Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development

    For More Details: California Business Investment Services

    Progress Indicator: Scoping

  • Action 2 Fund applied climate research through the California Climate Change Assessments to quantify economic impacts of climate change in various sectors, with a focus on economic loss and opportunity.

    Success Metric: Research results that lend quantifiable economic outcomes for future climate risks, including extreme heat, wildfire, sea-level rise and flooding, spread of invasive species, and extreme precipitation (including drought).

    Timeframe: Rolling five-year cycle (2021-2026 for Fifth Assessment)

    Agency: Governor’s Office of Planning and Research – Strategic Growth Council | Natural Resources Agency – Energy Commission | Department of Food and Agriculture

    For More Details: California Climate Change Assessment

    Progress Indicator: Underway

  • Action 3 Identify and assess sea-level rise impacts and associated financial costs to coastal lands.

    Success Metric: Develop economic valuation guidance for coastal communities to use in understanding risks and adaptation options.

    Timeframe: 2021-2025

    Agency: Natural Resources Agency – State Lands Commission

    For More Details: State Lands Commission Strategic Plan; State Lands Commission AB 691

    Progress Indicator: Scoping